


There was a good 20 minutes of amazing colour transformation this morning. I was headed to the south coast but didn’t have enough time. One of my favourites from this year I think.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

24mm / ƒ11 / 5.0s / ISO 100



I never used to give Havelet a second though as it just didn’t feel like a place I wanted to be but actually, it’s a quite a plant area. Vast sand bay with amazing views out into the channel and also a great place to watch the sun rise!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

24mm / ƒ11 / 1/320s / ISO 200



The house prices in Guernsey are unbelievably f**king stupid at the moment, it actually takes the piss. But (there’s always a but with me), when you concider the luxurious lifestyle we have and the views some properties offer, it kind of makes sense. The silhouette of the table and chairs caught my eye, while admiring a view that I’ll probably never afford!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L28mm / ƒ11 / 1/250s / ISO 200

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

28mm / ƒ11 / 1/250s / ISO 200



Braving the elements, umbrella in hand, the opportunity was there. Amazing weather to be out in though! Hail, rain, thunder, sunshine and wind. It’s a constant battle to keep dry and protect your gear but I love to challenge myself each day (some more than others).

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

24mm / ƒ11 / 1/30s / ISO 100



So happy to finally get some Vitamin D, it’s amazing how a little bit of sunshine can transform you’re mood.

Havelet Water in the distance, taking a dominant position in place of the old brewery. Top floor Open Market apartment will set you back around 3.5 million!

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

70mm / ƒ/8 / 1/160s / ISO 400