
An awkward bay to access and photograph, especially at high tide. There’s a 20 metre sheer drop over this edge which is sketchy enough under the feet!

Shooting into the shadows and direct sun isn’t ideal but I managed to keep the details in both ranges.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ14 / 1/30s / ISO 400



This was a strategical and last minute rainbow hunt mission. In eight years you get a solid understanding of how the weather works and plan it right, you can get what you want. The thrill of the chase!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ11 / 1/800s / ISO 400



Took a drive round the lanes to find some inspiration. Ended up back at the old farmhouse by the reservoir with about 30 chickens roaming freely in the road. You almost have to stop and grab a photo.


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

215mm / ƒ6.3 / 1/250s / ISO 400



Cool little birds. They hang around the fishing boats searching for scraps of seafood to munch on. I think someone told me mot of them migrate to Iceland in the summer.


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

250mm / ƒ7.1 / 1/2000s / ISO 400



Its that time of year again and Finley starred as a rockstar this year. Bless them, they all did so well and it makes you proud to see them enjoying it too.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

200mm / ƒ/2.8 / 1/50s / ISO 2500



I headed to L’Ancresse in the hope of a frosty carpet across the common but it wasn’t quit cold enough.

The skies were brewing up nicely on the horizon but the colour never really popped.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF70-200mm f2.8L

70mm / ƒ/11 / 0.3s / ISO 200