Not a bad way to start off the Winter season. Pretty damn cold first thing thought!
Not a bad way to start off the Winter season. Pretty damn cold first thing thought!
Swift trip out west, trying to find some inspiration.
High tides make life difficult to find a decent composition around the coast but there’s always something to be found if you look hard enough. The colourful sky does help to draw you in.
Tried to chase the end of a rainbow but the pot of gold was long by the time I got here.
Fort Houmet bathed in gorgeous evening light on the west coast this evening. Love a good Guernsey spring vibe.
Tactical Gun Emplacement on the edge of the Fort Houmet headland. Love the low sun this time of year, the light hovers above the horizon for at least a few hour a day.
Amazing start to September. Actually just spent most of my lunch on the rocks behind the fort, soaking up the sun and watching the boats on the horizon.