Another random day of shooting anything under my nose. This quirky leaf caught my eye with its funky symmetry and pink ends.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
190mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/250s / ISO 400
Another random day of shooting anything under my nose. This quirky leaf caught my eye with its funky symmetry and pink ends.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
190mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/250s / ISO 400
Still a fair few butterflies around in the grasses. I love the eyes on these.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
225mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/320s / ISO 400
Another day, another stunning butterfly. Easy pickings in the amazing memorial garden at Les Cotils. Honestly, go check it out.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
200mm / ƒ7.1 / 1/400s / ISO 400
The summer is always great for bug hunting. Just wander through the long grass and see what jumps out of your way!
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
250mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/320s / ISO 200
A absolutely stunning selection of butterflies in Jersey Zoo. Some of the larger ones were the size of small hand! This one was missing part of its wing but that didn’t detract from how stunning they were.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
135mm / ƒ7.1 / 1/125s / ISO 400
Went for a wander round the Port Soif nature trail to see what I could find. Lots of flies, bees and a few butterflies and also these little critters very well camouflaged on the leaves.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
210mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/250s / ISO 320
Couldn’t find any energy to even think about heading out today so here’s my pet Rattlesnake plant on my desk at work. I’ve named it Bruno so I can’t say too much more about it.
iPhone 11 Pro
Set myself a colour theme today to make things a bit easier. There’s green everywhere you look but delve deeper into the green grass and you’ll see more than first meets the eye.
When these crickets are fully grown their wings grow the entire length of their body and I’ve seem them take off and fly pretty far!
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
125mm / ƒ7.1 / 1/320s / ISO 320
The motivation just wasn’t there again today. Macro is great to fall back on, if you can find the subject. Butterflies are out in abundance at the moment but no doubt they won’t be around for much longer.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
210mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/500s / ISO 400
Set out looking for frogs, came out with a Great Green Bush Cricket. One handed macro isn’t the easiest, even when the subject is this big but he stuck on my finger just long enough before gliding off into the reeds.
Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM
100mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/500s / ISO 320