


Another butterfly to check off this list this year but I’m not very happy with this shot. Only took a few and they were all out focus. This was the sharpest of the bunch.

Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

200mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/200s / ISO 200



Struggled to keep my energy levels up so went for a nice easy macro shot. I say easy but it really wasn’t easy when these butterflies just want to lead you deeper into the dry grasses!

I had been following a dragonfly but that one got the better of me and buggered off into another field!

Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

200mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/500s / ISO 250



The first of many, a Peacock butterfly sunning itself up on a tree stump. Didn't expect to see many butterflies at this early in the year and it looks like it taken the winter pretty well!


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

240mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/640s / ISO 200



Probably the worst conditions for macro, but in between gusts of wind and this wet stuff falling from the sky, I managed to grab a few shots of a Common Blue. What I didn’t realise is I’d accidentally destroyed a spiders web which he wasn’t too pleased about. Sorry Mr Spider.


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

200mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/125s / ISO 400



Found around 50 of these Gatekeepers on the edge of a field up at Pleinmont. Never seen so many in one place. There’s a few butterflies on my list to find this summer, the main one that I’ve only found once is the Green Hairstreak. I found one a few years ago on some gorse at Petit Bot but didn’t get a chance to get a shot.


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

215mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/640s / ISO 400



They may be common but they’re a stunning mini species of butterfly. With the sun hiding for most of the day, the insects tend to stick to one spot until you disturb them.


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

220mm / ƒ8.0 / 1/200s / ISO 250



Macro, a miniature world that often gets overlooked. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that every time I see a butterfly you have to actually say in your head ‘ooh, a butterfly’, or maybe it’s just me!

Difficult to photograph during the day as they are most active and don’t like to stay still for long. This one looked a bit battered and seems to have lost part of it’s leg from the rough winter.


Canon EOS 70D - EFS 55-250 USM

220mm / ƒ7.1 / 1/640s / ISO 200