


As the shortest day draws ever closer, there’s still an autumn feel in the air. The last few leaves are hanging on but but its starting to thin out. See you in the spring leaves!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ5.6 / 1/60s / ISO 400



Nestled deep in the valley, there’s one tree which stands out from the rest every year. Although the light wasn’t great, the tree’s showing a full spectrum of autumnal colours. The brown dead leaves at the top, yellows in the midde and lower leaves still holding onto their summer greens.


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

20mm / ƒ11 / 1/40s / ISO 200



I went on the hunt for some Fly agaric mushrooms around the grounds of St Pierre Park but had no luck. On the way back I spotted this fallen tree which was still deeply rooted into the earth bank. Still growing, still changing with the seasons, just lying on it’s side!

Felt like splashing paint on a canvas editing this one. Base of a cinematic preset within LR then moulded to my mood!


Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

17mm / ƒ11 / 1/80s / ISO 400