Long Exposure



Bitterly cold again, made a schoolboy error of leaving my gloves in the car. Still, the walk back up got the blood pumping. I had hoped the sun would light up the pier but it rises too far north now. Probably should have tried this in the winter but this pier is only exposed when the tide is below 3.5m so it can only be done early a few days every couple weeks.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

20mm / ƒ11 / 120s / ISO 100



I’m genuinely gutted we couldn’t celebrate properly today, not only for Liberation Day but just being with all our mates and letting the kids mingle and have fun. On the plus side, I wasn’t drunk so I could shoot out and grab some photographs to make up for it.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

20mm / ƒ8.0 / 240s / ISO 200



Finding inspiration is all part of the challenge but on days like this it’s harder than ever to get a shot I’m happy with. The tides, wind direction and cloud cover were just about favourable to pull this one off. A few more breaks in the cloud would have been nice but you can’t win them all!

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV - EF17-40mm f4L

20mm / ƒ10 / 60s / ISO 400